For first time clients I highly recommend booking a 15 min Complimentary Consultation so we can go over any questions you may have before diving into your healing journey.

No time to read? Not a problem! Watch or take a listen to the video above :)

Questions answered in the video by Vanessa:

-What is Reiki?

-What makes working with Vanessa different than any other practitioner?

-What does Reiki feel like?

-How does distance energy healing work?

What is a Spiritual Team?

When Vanessa refers to our Spiritual Teams, she’s referring to those in the higher realms that you personally connect with. Everybody’s team is different (and they change throughout our life journey depending on who we need at that particular time). Your team can be anyone from Angels, Arch Angels, Ascended Masters, Gods, Goddesses, Galactic Beings, Guides of all shapes, forms and sizes, Loved Ones who have crossed over, Spirit, Source, God, the list goes on and on. All beings on your personal team of the highest vibrations and frequencies. Those only of Divine love and light.

What is Reiki?

What exactly is Reiki? Reiki - “Rei” (universal) “ki” (life energy) is an ancient Japanese Energy Healing Practice that involves the transfer of universal healing energy, also known as Qi, through the practitioner and into the client’s energetic field. This can be done in person or remotely; both are equally beneficial and effective. Reiki helps the client’s energy go back into a state of flow, clearing out energetic blocks and stagnation. It is a subtle and gentle form of cleansing completely guided and led by Spirit.

What are the benefits from working with Vanessa specifically?

Vanessa is a Reiki Master, a channel and an activator. With her you will receive reiki, a chakra alignment, shamanic clearing, activations (when Spirit deems applicable), a healing gateway opening to the next step on your healing journey, and an ease of a shift in your vibration to the highest frequency you are meant to reach at that time, aligning you with a more abundant and fulfilled daily life. Our work will open you up to the magic of the universe. Her healings have been known to leave you feeling centered, grounded, aligned and clear. They aid in physical, emotional and energetic wellness, as well as bring great insight into your personal soul journey.

What can I expect from a session with Vanessa?

Vanessa offers a safe space where you can truly be your magical, multidimensional self who is opening up and exploring the wonders of our multilayered Universe. There is no judgement, only support, compassion and and a true soul to soul connection. Be prepared to show up on time, with all prep work/homework done, an open heart and an open mind and prepare to dig deep. The more you invest in your own healing work, the further and quicker down the healing path you will be able to go. Please be sure that you are in a space where you have privacy and can speak openly and freely. (No interruptions from the outside world)

What are the benefits of signing up for weekly services (one month at a time)?

Weekly services allow your healing journey to keep up its momentum. Healing doesn’t happen only during the window of our sessions together, it is continuous. Whether it be mentoring, energy healing or both, by working once a week together more work and healing happens in the higher realms, which then trickles down into our current 3D reality at a faster pace. Clients find that their lives shift and change at a rapid speed when investing in keeping their energetic bodies aligned, grounded and cleared. Their frequencies begin to rise higher and higher which of course forces their external reality to match their internal reality. Like attracts like. They truly tap into their relationship with self and Spirit and work that muscle of co-creation.

How does Distance Energy Healing work?

Everything is energy. We are all connected through energetic cords not only to each other but to the earth, the animals, the Universe, everything. The way Vanessa sees it, is there a huge energetic web that spans across the entire globe, and every one is connected to the web through an energetic cord. This web and our connection to it is what makes up the energy of the collective. This is why for example when the pandemic first hit, we may have felt pretty solid and safe within our own homes, but the second we stepped outside, the air may have felt thicker and filled with fear, stress and anxiety. That is the collective energy you were feeling. When you receive a distance energy healing session Vanessa sends a request to the web above (she likes to visualize an old school operator with their cables and cords) to please connect with you (the client). At the same time you are giving your permission for Vanessa’s energy to connect with you. Vanessa then invites your energy into her space and the web above connects the two cords. Once connected Vanessa begins the healing and all energy directed to you will reach you no matter where you are in the world.

What does an Energy Healing Session feel like?

What someone experiences during an energy healing varies from person to person as well as session to session. Some things you may experience (but are not limited to) are:

-Tingles in different parts of your body


-Movement within your body

-Gentle waves of energy washing over you

-Twitches as your body releases energetic blocks

-Deep meditation

-Swirls of lights and colors when your eyes are closed

-A heavy physical body, yet feeling out of body

-Sudden clarity in the mind

-Refreshed and recharged

-Extremely relaxed or sleepy

Or you may not feel a thing. All is right, nothing is wrong. The work is still happening.